Freitag, 27. Dezember 2013

Memory and language learning


When it comes to learning a language, a good memory is essential. But, when we study languages there is a lot we need to memorize: grammar, idioms, rules, pronunciation, etc. Some people have difficulties remembering everything and also transferring everything from our working memory to our long-term memory and therefore, safe information for a long time.

 But how can we train our memory without exhausting ourselves?

We do not need to read a grammar section over and over again, so we keep information in our memory. There are some tips and tricks to preserve information in our minds.
When acquiring a new language, try to use various formats while learning. Try to memorize information auditory and visual. By using different learning channels, information is also stored in different ways. Therefore, it is more likely to last longer. If you want to acquire another language it helps to read, listen to and talk in the language. 

Teach yourself memory strategies. There are many strategies which facilitates storing information in your memory, but also retrieving that information from your memory.

You can use the following memory strategies for example:

  • mnemonics (e.g.  “How do you spell ‘necessary’?” à C comes before S in the alphabet)
  • thinking in pictures, colours and shapes (create mental images of the information)
  • repetition (going over the information several times; it is best using different learning channels)

Another strategy is called “retrieval practice”. When applying this strategy you make up your own tests. When you think about the content of a test, you not only think about the information, but also what an upcoming test could be about. You do not only concentrate on details, but the essential information.

Various memory strategies

What else should you keep in mind when applying memory strategies?

When studying, you should be rested and relaxed. Try to plan and organise everything so you can learn efficiently. Choose those strategies which are easy for you to apply and are fun to work with. This will facilitate your learning progress. It helps to apply more than one strategy to improve your language skills.
I hope I could help you a bit with learning about memory strategies.

If you look and search online, you will find a lot more related articles.

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