Sonntag, 12. Januar 2014

Introduction to Reading

In my next blog entries I will write and report about the four language skills: Reading, Listening, Writing and Speaking.
Today I am going to write about Reading skills.

What is the problem of language learners and reading? 
A lot of people who acquire a second language are very careful readers because they are afraid to make mistakes or they do not understand every single word. They tend to read and use a dictionary at the same time, which is, of course, very time consuming.

Why is reading so important?
What is reading?

When we read a text or story in a different language, it helps us to enhance our comprehension. We will learn language patterns, new vocabulary, and expressions. While reading, we will unconsciously memorise words, too. The more you read, the faster you will get while reading. This is good because you will need less time to understand and comprehend everything. After a while you might be able to read texts without any problems.

What should a good language learner consider to become a good reader?
Here, I will present you some ideas and tips to become a better reader. As I pointed out already, it is important to read a lot over an extended period of time.
But reading in a different language needs to be learnt.

Read a text which suits your level of expertise. Do not start with a highly scientific article about microbiology or the latest novel of George R.R. Martin. If you just started learning a new language, read short texts on blogs or in newspapers. For example, Langenscheidt Verlag in Germany sells calendars with short stories for every day. On the back you will find questions and translations of difficult words. 

Read something that interests you. If you read newspaper articles or magazines which are related to your interests, you might already know some words. With reading those articles, you will also extend your vocabulary. The other aspect of reading texts that interest you is motivation. If you are not motivated to read a text, you will have a lot of problems understanding it.

Try not to use your dictionary. I know that may sound impossible, but as soon as I have a dictionary close to me when I read, I look up every word I don’t know. This will slow down your reading process. Even if you do not know every word in a text, you will get the meaning and therefore, learn more. So, if you feel comfortable reading, try to stay away from the dictionary.

If you want to improve your reading skills, here are some links I recommend:
  • (This homepage is designed in a playful way. You can choose various texts concerning different topics. If you want to, the texts will be read out for you, so you can practice your phonology, too.)

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