Donnerstag, 9. Januar 2014

Learning Vocabulary

When acquiring a new language, learning vocabulary is the essential thing. The more vocabulary you know, the more fluent your speech and writing skills will be when you produce language. Learning and knowing vocabulary also helps with comprehension. You need to ask your conversation partner less to rephrase and repeat him- or herself. Learning vocabulary will be the most important and most time consuming aspect when you want to learn a new language.

But how can you learn vocabulary efficiently?

Well, there are many different strategies when you want to learn vocabulary. If you know your type of learning, it will help you a lot when you choose some vocabulary techniques. (If you do not know your learning style, have a look here:

Here are some tips for learning vocabulary and being a certain learning type:

Learning vocabulary for visual learners
Visual: Write down the vocabulary; use flash cards, vocabulary books and lists. You can also use pictures to remember vocabularies concerning the same environment (for example learning vocabularies of animals). Use different colours to mark words which are easy and difficult for you to remember. Try to read dictionaries because sometimes it helps to understand and memorise the meaning of a word so you can retrieve it easier.

Auditory: Some people record themselves when they learn vocabulary. Afterwards, they listen to the recordings again and again to memorise the words. There are also professional programs which help you learning phrases and words. When studying vocabulary, say out loud the words. Then you hear the words and memorise them easier.

Kinaesthetic: This group of learners will have the most difficulties with studying vocabulary.  Usually, you need to sit down and concentrate on your list of vocabulary when you want to memorise them. Kinaesthetic learners can try learning vocabulary while walking around. They can also try to draw and say the words. Sometimes it also helps to use some signs. I sometimes use German Sign Language when I need to learn new vocabulary or just make up my own signs. Gestures are easier retrieved by memory than words and if you can connect them, even better.

Here are some general tips for learning vocabulary:

Take it slow!
When you start learning vocabulary, do not make a list with 200 words. Make “packages” of 10 to 20 words. If you are a good learner and it is easy for you to memorise things, you can use more words of course. But do not overreach your limit. If you have to study a lot of words in a certain time, try to organise everything and observe your learning process.

Test yourself and revise on a regular basis!
If you test yourself regularly, you will know if you really learned the vocabulary. If you learned some vocabulary, leave it for some hours and then try to remember everything. This will help you to figure out which words are more difficult for you to learn.

Logical connections.
Use logical connections!
If you learn words in a different language, try to assemble them in logical packages. If you need to study words related to medicine and the body, divide them in those two categories. This will help you to remember them, but also to recognise connections between the words. Later, this will help you with fluency and comprehension, too!

Read, read, read!
Reading will help you to enhance your comprehension and your vocabulary. Words will appear in various contexts and connections and you will recognise them and keep that in mind. Depending on your level, read books, magazines, comics or newspaper. I often recommend children books. They have an easy register and no difficult words.

Here are some links, if you want to learn vocabulary online:
  • (You can practice your language skills in English, German, Italian and Spanish. You will find various vocabulary tests as well as tests concerning the same topics)

1 Kommentar:

  1. Tolle Empfehlungen, danke. Ich empfehle auch die Website der Online-Englischschule EnglishPapa.
    Die Seite enthält viele nützliche Informationen: interessante Artikel über Englisch, einen kostenlosen Test zur Bestimmung des Englischniveaus
