Sonntag, 12. Januar 2014

Resources: Reading

Of course, there are many resources for reading in a different language. Just go to your closest library, they definitely will have books in different languages.

But with this entry, I want to give you several links where you can exercise your reading skills: (This homepage offers many texts concerning different aspects. The all include a comprehension quiz as well as a vocabulary section, so you can improve your vocabulary, too.)

(source: http://www.english-to-go.
com/newsletter/march09/march09.htm) (Here, you will find many texts with vocabulary, but no explanations for the vocabulary. You will also have pre-reading questions to prepare yourself for the text. After reading you will find comprehension questions, which go beyond true/false questions. I recommend this homepage an intermediate learner.) (This article is about exercising your eyes and therefore, improving your speed reading skills.) (This homepage shares many links with various reading exercises. It is divided in the different levels of learners.) (You want to test your speed reading skills? Here, you can measure how many words you are able to read within a minute.) (This homepage offers links concerning texts about business. It also offers comprehension tests.)

Tips for speed reading

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